My Skills ( is the national directory of vocational education and training (VET) organisations and courses to help people make informed decisions about their education and training needs.

The recent update improves and evolves the website into a sophisticated and useful tool for students, training organsiations and employers.


New My Skills enhancements include:

  • Links to courses related to skills in demand in each state and territory
  • Overall student satisfaction and employment outcomes for the 230 most popular courses
  • A VET FEE HELP course calculator to help people understand their financial obligation and potential future debt
  • Identification of sanctioned training providers
  • A modern, tablet-optimised homepage design

The My Skills website is an excellent example of the Government's commitment to providing stundets with high quality information and support so that they can acquire the skills and training they need to secure jobs of the future. I look forward to working in partnership with schools to encourage students to consider vocational education and training as a pathway to a rewarding and highly valued career.

Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education and Training