Clarkson Community High School has worked very hard to implement online learning access for parents and students across the entire school curriculum.

This page contains everything parents and students need to know in order to successfully access their online classes. Please take the time to carefully read the information and download any help guides or forms you may require.



We're now on Instagram celebrating invitational education, student successes, cool work projects and interesting stories from around the school. Come along and follow us! and the hashtag #clarksonchs

We want students to show pride in their work and their school, so if any students have something school-related they'd like us to share, please see Mr Keyworth, Ms Jeshani or Mr Bishop. Own it!

Connect is an integrated online environment developed by the Department of Education WA for staff, students and parents in public schools.

Check out the short video clip on Connect at

Sci-Tech very kindly visited CCHS today for Beyond The Beaker, an interactive incursion that prepares students for a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

Beyond The Beaker showcases how our work lives will change, explores how students can harness their STEM skills for maximum enjoyment, well-being and – perhaps most importantly – their career opportunities.

This interactive and informative experience is designed to inspire students to study STEM – both now and into their futures. It also shows how STEM is an important component of every job.

We’d like to thank SciTech for this highly engaging visit!

Parents can now submit absentee notes for their child(ren) via our Connect system.

Please watch the video below for more information:

Just a reminder to all students that Breakfast Club is on EVERY day in the Home Ec room over in the Technology Block.

Grab yourself cereal and toast Monday to Thursday and the big cook-up is on Fridays. Bacon...what a great start to the day!


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